

What great read indeed.

After months (years?) of telling myself “I must start reading again”, I found myself reading your rich post.

I very much enjoyed the content, form, and presentation.

It was a wonderful kick to the jewels of my monkey mind.

There’s was no room for me to run, shuck, jive: up,down,side to side, looking over my shoulder, nowhere to escape.

Detail, detail, detail.

Awareness and clarity.

I remember those moments. And I occasionally experience them.

I have no formal practice, but I so appreciated yours.

I used to meditate.

I have meditated.


And The Five Remembrances:

I, forget, these, truths.

Immediately cutting through construct, desire, denial.

Wonderfully wakeful,

If you can take the sting.

You say:

To be here with this writing and recognize the fear that tells me it isn't good enough, that I'm wasting my time, and that the work is falling on deaf ears.

I say:

Crack on!

You inspire.

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Thanks Danny,

I wasn't trying to set a trap for ya, but the mind does have a way of ensuring us in thought. Alan Watts says that a guru is someone who will pick your pocket only to sell your wallet back to you.

I try to have fun with it, I'm glad you enjoyed the writing. This was was actually fun to write.

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